Wednesday, January 1, 2014

'Teen Wolf' season 3 spoilers: See the rest of the episode titles now!

Can you not wait for the on Monday night? Well, we've got a little bit more news for you below that should help to make the waiting a little bit easier.

We've shared a few episode titles already for the rest of season 3, but what we have for you now a full listing of the ones that are going to be airing from now straight through to the finale in a couple of months. The only thing that we would caution you on right now is that oftentimes, episode titles can change at some point between now and when they air. There could also be minor spoilers ahead, so read with your own discretion. These also come to us courtesy of .

3 13 - "Anchors"

3 14 - "More Bad Than Good"

3 15 - "Galvanize"

3 16 - "Illuminated"

3 17 - "Silverfinger"

3 18 - "Riddled"

3 19 - "Letharia Vupina"

3 20 - "Echo House"

3 21 - "The Fox and the Wolf"

3 22 - "De-Void"

3 23 - "Insatiable"

3 24 - "The Divine Move"

One thing that is very interesting about one of these titles is that "Letharia Vulpina" is actually the scientific name for wolf lichen, although vulpina actually comes from vulpine, which is a scientific name for Fox. Therefore, you basically have two titles that are more or less the same in the list above.

So what is all the emphasizing of foxes all about? Contrary to what you may initially think, the show is not trying to pay homage to "The Fox," that viral video that went completely berserk in 2012. Instead, it could be a tie to some of the new mythology that related to Kasumi and some of the other new characters this season, who have some origins in fox folklore.

Out of some of these episode titles that we've shared, which one is your favorite? Be sure to share your thoughts below, and on the season. We've also got a valuable resource for you in our weekly , which can deliver you scoop from CarterMatt every week without you even having to leave your email.
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