Saturday, October 5, 2013

FFB: Redux (further memories of Frederik Pohl, Harry Harrison and other good people): HELL'S CARTOGRAPHERS edited by AldissWORLDS OF IF: A Retrospective Anthology, Pohl, GreenbergTQ 20 (TriQuarterly 2


FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 2011

FFB: HELL'S CARTOGRAPHERS EDITED BY HARRY HARRISON AND BRIAN ALDISS (HARPER & ROW/WIEDENFIELDas Bester elsewhere recalls saying to Heinlein much later, "I won that contest and you made ten dollars more than I did."), how he came along with TWS editor Mort Weisinger when he moved over to DC Comics and worked with other writers on all but Batman "and Rabinowitz" scenarios for a few years, before breaking into radio-drama and nonfiction writing, particularly for Holiday magazine, all the while continuing to publish increasingly sophisticated and adventurous sf and fantasy (and how John Campbell's embrace of Scientology helped chase Bester away from his magazine). Harrison followed a similar path, though he started professionally in comics, and sold his first short story to Damon Knight at Worlds Beyond in 1951; oddly enough, Knight also started professionally as much a visual artist and illustrator as he did writer, with his first professional publication being a cartoon in Amazing Stories in 1940 (among his more notable illustration jobs was for Weird Tales's reprint of Lovecraft's "Herbert West, Reanimator" in the March, 1942 issue, the same one that features Robert Bloch's "Hell on Earth," ; the HPL story had first appeared in the little magazine Home Brew).

I had read Knight's and Pohl's books previously, so their essays were interesting mostly for the small counterpoints to the longer texts, but hadn't read too much autobiography at that point from the youngest contributor to the book, Robert Silverberg, nor from the only non-Yank contributor, Brian Aldiss, and so Silverberg's journeyman passage through the men's sweat magazines and similar markets rather than comics nor primarily the pulps (though Silverberg would contribute to many of the last of the pulps as that format of magazine faded with the passing of the 1950s, and their children the digest-sized fiction magazines flourished) is a counterpoint, as was Aldiss's early experience of American fiction magazines (in the post-war era, often dumped on the British equivalents of five and dime stores after serving as ballast in cargo ships, and comparable to the influence of American records on the young musicians in Britain of the '50s and '60s) and his career as someone just a bit to the side of the Angry Young Men but like them willing to explore every sort of literature if it looked at all interesting or fruitful, while particularly devoting himself to developing his work in sf...the title of this book echoes that of once Angry Young Man Kingsley Amis's collection of lectures recast as essays, New Maps of Hell, one of the important works of criticism about sf to arise at the turn of the 1960s, along with such collections of critical pieces as Knight's In Search of Wonder and James Blish's The Issue at Hand (and Blish would probably be in this book, but was in the process of dying from cancer and the effects of cancer surgery while it was being prepared; Aldiss notes that Michael Moorcock begged off, as the only requested contributor to do so out of what Aldiss considers excessive modesty...though perhaps insufficiently-cooled anger by the mid-'70s over what had happened to Moorcock's baby New Worlds magazine might also have played a part).

So, a key book in the history as well as about the history of the science fiction field, and good fun as well as touching and startling at times, and consistently illuminating.

For more of today's "forgotten" books, please see


Nearly contemporary issues:

(sadly, with this many illustrations, a Blogger page looks much different even when viewed on such browsers as Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and MS Explorer...accounting for some cropped, but expandable, images on Firefox, at least...)

Executive summary: Two impressive slices through the first two decades of two important, but not always sufficiently respected, fiction magazines. If, aka Worlds of If, ran from 1952-1974, with some weak attempts at revival afterward (at the end of 1974, it was merged into its longterm stablemate Galaxy, which itself staggered into folding and sporadic revival by 1980); even at its weakest points editorially under original publisher James Quinn, If was an elegantly-produced magazine, and while the later publishers at the "Digest Productions"/Guinn/Galaxy group and UPD Publications varied in their investment, it was often striking later as well. TriQuarterly began as a relatively modest physical production, though less so in content in 1964, and had made itself into one of the most visually as well as literarily impressive of little magazines throughout the 1970s thanks to founding editor Charles Newman and successors Elliot Anderson and Robert Onopa, the latter being rewarded by being unceremoniously dumped for daring to treat "popular fiction" as essentially no different from "literary fiction"; TQ never quite recovered its spirit, though it did continue, and is now a webzine.

What's good about these anthologies:Take a quick look at their contents, below. As the material about each magazine in their respective volumes makes clear, the not terribly well-measured consensus view about these two magazines was that they were very well in their way, but not the Serious Contenders that were, say, the hidebound 1969 Analog or The Hudson Review , nor even the resolutely lively contemporary issues of The Paris Review or Galaxy, when If and TQ had also been hitting their very comparable high-quality marks for some years, would continue in If's case till merger in 1975 and in TriQuarterly's case was allowed to continue doing so for another half-decade. Again, look below at the evidence. In addition to the good to great fiction in the If volume, you get a plethora of reminiscences by the writers and editors, some taken not long before these folks died or otherwise became incapable of comment (the book was also delayed for several years). The material about the magazine is less generous in the TQ, perhaps in part because the book's editors were also TQ's editors after the shameful putsch in 1980, but to help make up for that, the selection of poetry and artwork as well as fiction is even larger.

What's not so great about these anthologies: Don't let your book be the last Bluejay book nor the second Pushcart anthology of material the Pushcart folks didn't shape for themselves...because signs of haste and slipshoddery will be evident all over the productions, beginning with the covers. Both manage to have half-good covers, with some boldish graphics not employed quite properly...clearly the white space in the If was meant to hold some writers' names, and the TQ would work better if the cover gave a legible indication what "TQ" meant...the contributors' names in both cases are almost illegible on the back cover, if the casual browser gets past the front cover. The "If" in the one should've been larger, to resemble the magazine's frequent logo; the spine of the TriQuarterly jacketdoesn't have the title "TQ 20" on it anywhere. It takes some effort to get much more clumsy than this.

Unfortunately, the bad packaging gives way in the If to some very blatant typos (Charles Beaumont's The Hunger and Other Stories becomes the "Hunter"; the Zelazny here is incorrectly cited as the only story he published in If; there's a more unforgivable one that I'll have to find again--it's Martin Greenberg's contention that Larry Niven was rare in being conversant in both "hard" science fiction and adventure if Poul Anderson and at least arguably Jack Vance and the predominance of the contributors to the magazineUnknown didn't rather roundly contradict that). Perhaps even more of a mixed bag is the uncorrected nature of a number of the memoirs; several contributors, Algis Budrys for one and P.J. Farmer to a gross extent, manage to get historical facts out of order (Budrys misremembers Fairman as the editor after Quinn), but mostly the disagreements between the nonfiction contributors are reasonable disagreements of judgment, and useful assessments. (One which definitely caught my eye detailed editor Larry Shaw's run-ins with Evan Hunter, whom he found unpleasant, not least when Shaw sought to have him correct an error in his famous, overrated story "Malice in Wonderland," and Hunter replied, "Well, it's only science fiction, after all." A kind of irresponsibility I tend to find in all the Hunter [McBain, et al.] fiction I've read.)

The TQ basically reshoots the pages of the magazine for the book; the typefaces are unmistakable, and so any typos in the original magazine run are presumably reproduced here (I haven't spotted any blatant ones yet); and, again, as little as possible is said about the purge of Anderson and Onopa from the magazine; in fact, Onopa is neither reprinted (he contributed interesting fiction, as well) nor mentioned. Very much down the memory hole.

Above, a 1974 issue; below, one of the last Anderson/Onopa issues, from 1980.

These books are valuable documents, if not quite what they could've been; the magazines treated, as their staffs were, with insufficient respect once again. And, in part as consequence, they are long out of print. But they will reward you if you seek them out, and they won't cost you too much...unless you don't look for the bargains. The better work represented here is even worth a premium price.

Below: some If covers through the years (including one from when Keith Laumer was still a bit more of an audience favorite than Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.):

Fact (I believe) about If: it employed more book-publisher editors as its editor or associate/assistant editor than any other sf magazine has, before or since: founding editor Paul Fairman might make the weakest link (in several ways!) by being the editor in charge of the Ziff-Davis fiction magazines later when they published the one volume/issue of Amazing Stories Science Fiction Novels, Henry Slesar's novelization of 20 Million Miles to Earth (I wouldn't be surprised if Fairman eventually edited books for others, as well). James Quinn (Handi-Books--or did he not wield an editorial hand there as well as publishing?), Larry Shaw (Lancer Books), Damon Knight (Berkley), H. L. Gold (Galaxy Novels), Frederik Pohl (Ace, Bantam), Judy-Lynn Benjamin/Del Rey and Lester Del Rey (Ballantine/Del Rey), Ejler Jakobsson (Award and other UPD lines), and James Baen (Ace, Baen Books).

courtesy the :

Worlds of If: A Retrospective Anthology ed. Frederik Pohl, Martin H. Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander (Bluejay 0-312-94471-3, Dec '86, $19.95, 438pp, hc) Anthology of 24 stories. This is the last Bluejay book.

1IntroductionFrederik Pohlin

6As If Was in the BeginningLarry T. Shawar, 1986

19MemoirPhilip K. Dickms

20The Golden ManPhilip K. Dicknv If Apr '54

50MemoirRobert Sheckleyms

51The BattleRobert Sheckleyss If Sep '54

57Last RitesCharles Beaumontss If Oct '55

71Game PreserveRog Phillipsss If Oct '57

85The Burning of the BrainCordwainer Smithss If Oct '58

95MemoirAlgis Budrysms

103The Man Who Tasted AshesAlgis Budrysss If Feb '59

117MemoirPoul Andersonms

119Kings Who DiePoul Andersonnv If Mar '62

147MemoirFred Saberhagenms

148Fortress Ship [Berserker]Fred Saberhagenss If Jan '63

158Father of the StarsFrederik Pohlss If Nov '64

177Trick or Treaty [Jame Retief]Keith Laumernv If Aug '65

202MemoirR. A. Laffertyms

203Nine Hundred GrandmothersR. A. Laffertyss If Feb '66

214MemoirLarry Nivenms

216Neutron Star [Beowulf Shaeffer]Larry Nivennv If Oct '66

234MemoirRoger Zelaznyms

235This Mortal MountainRoger Zelaznynv If Mar '67

272MemoirHarlan Ellisonar *

289I Have No Mouth, and I Must ScreamHarlan Ellisonss If Mar '67

305MemoirSamuel R. Delanyms

306DriftglassSamuel R. Delanyss If Jun '67

324MemoirIsaac Asimovms

326The Holmes-Ginsbook DeviceIsaac Asimovss If Dec '68

336MemoirPhilip JosFarmerms

338Down in the Black GangPhilip JosFarmernv If Mar '69

359MemoirRobert Silverbergms

361The Reality TripRobert Silverbergss If May '70

378MemoirJames Tiptree,

379The Night-Blooming SaurianJames Tiptree, If May '70

385MemoirTheodore Sturgeonms

388Occam's ScalpelTheodore Sturgeonnv If Aug '71

409MemoirClifford D. Simakms

410Construction ShackClifford D. Simakss Worlds of If Jan/Feb '73

424MemoirCraig Kee Stretems

427Time DeerCraig Kee Stretess Red Planet Earth #4 '74

433Afterword: Flash Point, MiddleBarry N. Malzbergaw

courtesy :

TQ 20 : twenty years of the best contemporary writing and graphics from TriQuarterly magazine

Editors: Reginald Gibbons; Susan Hahn

Publisher: Wainscott, NY : Pushcart Press, (c)1985.

Description: 667 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.


Preface/1964-1984 --

Forward / Charles Newman --

Fragments from the unpublished death fantasy sequence of Judgment day / James T. Farrell --

To friends in East and West "A New Year's greeting" / Boris Pasternak --

Three essays / Roland Barthes --

Two stories / Richard Brautigan --

In a hole / George P. Elliott --

Two poems / Anne Sexton --

Why is American poetry culturally deprived? / Kenneth Rexroth --

Storm still / Brock Brower --

TV / Howard Nemerov --

Two essays / E.M. Cioran --

The fly / Miroslav Holub --

Two poems / Vasko Popa --

A damned man / Aleksander Wat --

From the wave / Thom Gunn --

Meeting hall of the Sociedad Anarquista, 1952 / Irving Feldman --

Few things to say / John Frederick Nims --

The town / C.P. Cavafy --

Tuesday siesta / Gabriel Garc a M rquez --

The sea / Jorge Luis Borges --

The doll queen / Carlos Fuentes --

From unusual occupations / Julio Cort zar --

Montesano unvisited / Richard Hugo --

Possibility along a line of difference / A.R. Ammons --

Life / Jean Follain --

Footprints on the glacier / W.S. Merwin --

The Eagle Exterminating Company / James Tate --

The double dream of spring / John Ashbery --

Toward a new program for the university / Christopher Lasch --

Three meetings / Stanley Elkin --

Three / W.S. Merwin --

Pain / Maxine Kumin --

That's what you say, Cesar? / Andrew Glaze --

Enigma for an angel / Joseph Brodsky --

Two poems / Osip Mandelstam --

To Edward dahlberg / Jack Kerouac --

Confessions / Edward Dahlberg --

From The tunnel: why windows are important to me / William H. Gass --

The wheel / AimC saire --

A tale from Lailonia / Leszek Kolakowski --

Men fought / Jorge Luis Borges --

Meredith Dawe / Joyce Carol Oates --

From Ninety-two in the shade / Thomas McGuane --

Torpid smoke / Vladimir Nabokov --

My encounters with Chekhov / Konstantin Korovin --

Commitment without empathy : a writer's notes on politics, theatre and the novel / David Caute --

Human dust / Agnes Denes --

Heart attack / Max Apple --

The reurn of Icarus / David Wagoner --

With Uncle Sam at Burning Tree / Robert Coover --

Gala / Paul West --

The sewing harems / Cynthia Ozick --

Two shoes for one foot / John Hawkes --

Coyote hold a full house in his hand / Leslie Marmon Silko --

Dillinger in Hollywood / John Sayles --

Walking out / David Quammen --

Where is everyone? / Raymond Carver --

Hunters in the snow / Tobias Wolff --

From A flag for sunrise / Robert Stone --

Embryology / Magdalena Abakanowicz --

Going to the dogs / Richard Ford --

Editorial / Reginald Gibbons --

Dear Lydia E. Pinkham / Pamels White Hadas --

Somg of napalm / Bruce Weigl --

Three prose pieces / Stephen Berg --

Had I a hundred mouths / William Goyen --

From Steht noch dahin / Marie Louise Kaschnitz --

Prayer for the dying / Willis Johnson --

Don't they speak jazz? / Michael S. Harper --

Aubade / Roalnd Flint --

The third count / Andrew Fetler --

In the cemetery where Al Jolson is buried / Amy Hempel --

June harvest / W.S. Di Piero --

Ambush / John Morgan --

Instructions to be left behind / Marvin Bell --

Gill Boy / Dennis Schmitz --

From A minor apocalypse / Tadeusz Konwicki --

The belly of Barbara N. / Wiktor Woroszylski --

Two poems / Stanislaw Baranczak --

Isaac Babel / R.D. Skillings --

The story tellers / Fred Chappell --

Night traffic near Winchester / Dave Smith --

Sweet sixteen lines / Al Young --

Father and son / Morton Marcus --

His happy hour / Alan Shapiro --

The last class / Ellen Bryant Voigt --

Two poems / C.K. Williams --

Recovering / William Goyen --

On welfare / William Wilborn --

Two poems / William Heyen --

The hooded legion / Gerald McCarthy --

Snowy egret / Bruce Weigl --

Three epigrams / Elder Olson --

Interview with Saul Bellow / Rockwell Gray, Harry White and Gerald Nemanic --

Fulfilling the promise / Lisel Mueller --

The Aragon ballroom / John Dickson --

The city / Lorraine Hansberry --

The address / Marga Minco --

Departures / Linda Pastan --

He, she, all of them, ay / John Peck


Missionary Work

Science Fiction for People Who Hate Science Fiction was Terry Carr's first solo anthology to be published, after a volume or two of his work with Donald Wollheim on their Best of the Year sf volume for Ace Books; The Light Fantastic: Science Fiction Classics from the Mainstream(sic: there is not now, nor has there ever been, a true mainstream of literature) was not Harry Harrison's first antho, but his first, as well, was an sf BOTY, in his case for Putnam/Berkley, with Brian Aldiss as increasingly co-editing junior partner in the first volume or so. Perhaps the same impulse that drives one to work on annual showcases makes putting together this kind of instructional anthology, even beyond the usual "this is important, or at very least interesting" thrust of nearly any anthology assembled with care, particularly the cases of these two fine anthologies, the instructional thrust can be executively summarized as "Open your eyes." (The appended "fool!" is only occasionally barely audible, almost impossible to completely suppress, as well.)

The Carr anthology brings together accessible, intelligent, (at the time) not terribly overexposed mostly sf stories (H.L. Gold's synesthesia tale "The Man with English" certainly is arguably fantasy, and Arthur Clarke's "The Star" introduces supernatural elements of the most widely accepted sort in Christendom)...Ray Bradbury's "The Sound of Thunder" hadn't quite become common coin by the mid '60s, and the Damon Knight story, despite "To Serve Man" having become a much-loved Twilight Zone episode, was nearly as famous as Knight's other early joke story, and even more sapiently pointed). While "What's It Like Out There?" remains The cited example of What Else Edmond Hamilton could do aside from planet explosion, and the Wilmar Shiras a slightly odd choice in this set of encouraging the outlanders to try some of the pure quill. Algis Budrys, in reviewing this one at the time, noted that people who hate sf hate reading, and the only way to get them to take up this book would be for it to be socially necessary to have on their coffee-table or equivalent (as Cat's Cradle andSlaughterhouse-Five and Stranger in a Strange Land and to a lesser extent at that timeDune and No Blade of Grass and The Child Buyer would be)...but the thoughtful reader who thought they hated sf somehow (probably more common in '66 than today, if not much moreso) could find some diversion here, at very least. Or, by the end of the decade, could enjoy making a joke about reading up on the topic in their FunkAlso in pb (Funk & Wagnalls 1968).

7IntroductionTerry Carrin

11The Star [Star of Bethlehem]Arthur C. Clarkess Infinity Science Fiction Nov '55

21A Sound of ThunderRay Bradburyss Colliers Jun 28 '52

37The Year of the JackpotRobert A. Heinleinnv Galaxy Mar '52

79The Man with EnglishH. L. Goldss Star Science Fiction Stories #1, ed. Frederik Pohl, Ballantine, 1953

91In Hiding [Timothy Paul]Wilmar H. Shirasnv Astounding Nov '48

135Not with a BangDamon Knightss F&SF Win/Spr '50

143Love Called This ThingAvram Davidson & Laura Goforthss Galaxy Apr '59

157The WeaponFredric Brownss Astounding Apr '51

163What's It Like Out There?Edmond Hamiltonnv Thrilling Wonder Stories Dec '52

The Light Fantastic ed. Harry Harrison (Scribner's, 1971, hc)

Introduction--The Function of Science FictionJames Blishin

The MuseAnthony Burgessss The Hudson Review Spr '68

The Unsafe Deposit BoxGerald Kershss The Saturday Evening Post Apr 14 '62

Something StrangeKingsley Amisss The Spectator, 1960; F&SF Jul '61

Sold to Satan [written Jan 1904]Mark Twainss Europe and Elsewhere, Harper Bros., 1923

The End of the PartyGraham Greeness The London Mercury Jan '32

The Circular Ruins [1941]Jorge Lu s Borges; trans. by James E. Irbyss Labyrinths, New Directions, 1962

The ShoutRobert Gravesss The Woburn Books #16 '29; F&SF Apr '52

The DoorE. B. Whitess New Yorker, 1939

The Machine StopsE. M. Forsternv Oxford and Cambridge Review Nov '09

The Mark Gable FoundationLeo Szilardss The Voice of the Dolphins, and Other Stories, Simon & Schuster, 1961

The Enormous RadioJohn Cheeverss New Yorker May 17 '47

The Finest Story in the WorldRudyard Kiplingnv Contemporary Review Jul, 1891

The Shoddy LandsC. S. Lewisss F&SF Feb '56

AfterwordHarry Harrisonaw

For more of today's books, please see


...and it appears in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction and in Galaxy, Worlds of If and International Science Fiction magazines (the latter three of which are published by the same publisher, Robert Guinn of the Galaxy Publishing Co., and edited by Frederik Pohl, the first edited by Edward Ferman and published by his father Joseph Ferman), along with a corresponding ad from "hawks" who are moved by Wilhelm and Merril's canvassing.

Frank Hollander was kind enough to transcribe the lists from the ads for the FictionMags list:

We the undersigned believe the United States must remain in Vietnam to

fulfill its responsibilities to the people of that country.

Karen K. Anderson

Poul Anderson

Harry Bates

Lloyd Biggle, Jr.

J. F. Bone

Leigh Brackett

Marion Zimmer Bradley

Mario Brand

R. Bretnor

Fredric Brown

Doris Pitkin Buck

William R. Burkett, Jr.

Elinor Busby

F. M. Busby

John W. Campbell

Louis Charbonneau

Hal Clement

Compton Crook

Hank Davis

L. Sprague de Camp

Charles V. de Vet

William B. Ellern

Richard H. Eney

T. R. Fehrenbach

R. C. FitzPatrick

Daniel F. Galouye

Raymond Z. Gallun

Robert M. Green, Jr.

Frances T. Hall

Edmond Hamilton

Robert A. Heinlein

Joe L. Hensley

Paul G. Herkart

Dean C. Ing

Jay Kay Klein

David A. Kyle

R. A. Lafferty

Robert J. Leman

C. C. MacApp

Robert Mason [not my father, but the Vietnam vet who would eventually write the novelsWeapon and Solo, and the memoir Chickenhawk]

D. M. Melton

Norman Metcalf

P. Schuyler Miller

Sam Moskowitz

John Myers Myers

Larry Niven

Alan Nourse

Stuart Palmer

Gerald W. Page

Rachel Cosgrove Payes

Lawrence A. Perkins

Jerry E. Pournelle

Joe Poyer

E Hoffmann Price

George W. Price

Alva Rogers

Fred Saberhagen

George O. Smith

W. E. Sprague

G. Harry Stine (Lee Correy)

Dwight V. Swain

Thomas Burnett Swann

Albert Teichner

Theodore L. Thomas

Rena M. Vale

Jack Vance

Harl Vincent

Don Walsh, Jr.

Robert Moore Williams

Jack Williamson

Rosco E. Wright

Karl W rf

We oppose the participation of the United States in the war in Vietnam.

Forrest J Ackerman

Isaac Asimov

Peter S. Beagle

Jerome Bixby

James Blish

Anthony Boucher

Lyle G. Boyd

Ray Bradbury

Jonathan Brand

Stuart J. Byrne

Terry Carr

Carroll J. Clem

Ed M. Clinton

Theodore R. Cogswell

Arthur Jean Cox

Allan Danzig

Jon DeCles

Miriam Allen deFord

Samuel R. Delany

Lester del Rey

Philip K. Dick

Thomas M. Disch

Sonya Dorman

Larry Eisenberg

Harlan Ellison

Carol Emshwiller

Philip JosFarmer

David E. Fisher

Ron Goulart

Joseph Green

Jim Harmon

Harry Harrison

H. H. Hollis

J[oan]. Hunter Holly

James D. Houston

Edward Jesby

Leo P. Kelley

Daniel Keyes

Virginia Kidd

Damon Knight

Allen Lang

March Laumer [Keith Laumer was still in active service, I believe, and probably constrained from adding a signature to either]

Ursula K. Le Guin

Fritz Leiber

Irwin Lewis

A. M. Lightner

Robert A. W. Lowndes

Katherine MacLean

Barry Malzberg

Robert E. Margroff

Anne Marple

Ardrey Marshall

Bruce McAllister

Judith Merril

Robert P. Mills

Howard L. Morris

Kris Neville

Alexei Panshin

Emil Petaja

J. R. Pierce

Arthur Porges

Mack Reynolds

Gene Roddenberry

Joanna Russ

James Sallis

William Sambrot

Hans Stefan Santesson

J. W. Schutz

Robin Scott [Wilson, not yet retired from the CIA, already working on the first Clarion Workshops]

Larry T. Shaw

John Shepley

T. L Sherred

Robert Silverberg

Henry Slesar

Jerry Sohl

Norman Spinrad

Margaret St. Clair

Jacob Transue

Thurlow Weed

Kate Wilhelm

Richard Wilson

Donald A. Wollheim

Contributions to help meet the expense of future ads are welcomed, and

should be sent to:

Judith Merril or Kate Wilhelm Knight

P. O. Box 79

Milford, Pennsylvania 18337
Full Post

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