Saturday, August 24, 2013

Interview with Poppet, author of the Valhalla Series

Here is my interview with the author of Master of Umbra. Please support her with her Valhalla series. She has really good reviews on Amazon and Goodreads.

AW: Please tell us a bit about yourself and back ground?

P: I've been signed 5 times, had an Irish agent, won a gold star on Authonomy, won a competition run by Powell's Books where I won a signed illustration from Alice in Wonderland based on a 50 word poem, and wrote my first 4 books with one finger because I was paralyzed.

AW: What inspired you to write this book?

P: It was an anthology I was told about titled Caledonia Dreaming, where the submissions had to have terminology, slang, or sayings, native to Scotland. That's honestly when I got the idea for the novel. I ended up not submitting to the anthology because my idea inhabited 3 books

AW: Describe what the book/story is about?

P: Frost giants living in mountain catacombs. (in a nutshell)

AW: Is there a message in this novel you want your readers to grasp?

P: Yes, no matter how brutal you are, if you love someone you'd do anything to protect them.

AW: What was the time frame for writing this book?

P: 4 weeks

AW: How did you came up with the title?

P: Umbra is complete shade, it perfectly describes the habitat of the Berserker giants. As the novel is about the man in charge of this habitat, Master of Umbra made perfect sense.

AW: Who created your cover?

P: I did.8.

AW: Hardest part for writing this novel?

P: The research.

AW: How did you find your publisher/agent - if self published, why did you choose to self publish?

P: I self publish because I don't have a year to wait for a new publisher to get back to me. At the time it was published I wasn't signed to a romance publisher (now I am), so I simply published it because my other publishers only publish horror, fantasy, and strange.

AW: What was your biggest learning experience/surprise throughout your publishing process?

P: Thugs exist.

AW: Do you have any other novels out there? If not, what's next?

P: Yes I do, over 40 of them. Next in the Valhalla series is Master of Skadi. Next in line for me to publish is the last novel in my religious horror series, Over Exposure.

AW: When did writing become a passion?

P: Writing is a secret passion for many years before a writer decides to 'come out of the closet'. I'd have to say mine started in my teens.

AW: Is this a series? If so, tell us a bit about the books planned.

P: The next in the series is titled the Master of Skadi. It's about Leug, his trickery, and the truth behind the lies. I don't plan on writing beyond Leug.

AW: Any advice for other writers?

P: I have no advice. The path is different for everyone. Just follow your heart and trust your instincts.

AW: Anything you would like to say to your readers?

P: Thank you! From the bottom of my heart, thank you!

AW: Favorite Authors?

P: Charles De Lint. Dean Koontz. Helen Fielding

AW: Favorite Books?

P: Moonheart and Spiritwalk by Charles de Lint

AW: Website(s) and social media links?

Links to Poppet: Facebook






AW: Where can people buy your novel?

P: Link on Amazon US:

Link on Amazon UK:.

AW: Something personal about yourself people may be surprised to know?

P: I was a health writer before turning my attention full time to novels.

Thank you so much Poppet, so nice chatting with you and best wishes for the Valhalla Series and writing.

Kind wishes,

Adrienne Woods
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